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  • deliciouslydes

Cutlery Confusion

Imagine stepping into a restaurant with dimmed lights and jazz music filling the room. There is a sense of elegance in the room and every other person is in their finest garments. You seem to blend in with this air of refinery, until your perfectly crafted facade cracks.

Laying with such grace on the table rests 3 forks, two knives and one spoon. Which order do you use them in? I’m no etiquette expert but I can help you out!

Assuming you are eating a three-course meal; entree, main and dessert, following my guide will give you a foolproof method of ensuring you have your dining etiquette down pat! When eating we move from the outside inwards.

Moving from right to left, utilise the smallest fork for oysters, caviar or any minute starters. If there is soup, that’s a job for the spoon. Similarly, use the first fork from the left side and the knife closest to the outside on the right for the entrees that require cutting.

Hypothetically, once the entrees and plates are cleared, you should be left with one fork and one knife, to carry on with your gustation journey. Many ask where the dessert spoon is in this situation, often I answer ‘non-existent’, as in they bring it to you with the course. Of course, in more traditional settings it is a larger spoon on the far left that should be ignored until the very end.

I hope this provides greater insight into the world of cutlery etiquette.

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