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  • deliciouslydes

A day in the life of a food blogger (realistic edition)

The most frequent question I receive is: “What does your day really look like?” and perhaps the occasional: “Is your life truly that picture perfect?”. In response to all these questions, honestly yes and no. My experience is both magical and yet to a degree stressful, as I navigate my student life.

The day begins the night before. I meticulously write everything down on a sheet of paper. To others, this might seem quite artificial, but in my perspective having a loose plan is comforting.

If the plan was typed out it would read like this:

6:30 am : Rise and shine + get dressed

6:45 am - 7:40 am : Complete uni work

7:50 am - 8:30 am : Practise Gamsat

8:45 am : Get a bus to the city

9:20 am - 11:50 am: Study / attend class

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm : Socialise / lunch activities

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm : Study

5:30 pm - 6:00 pm : Socialise / Snack

6:00 pm : Home time!!!!!!

7:00 pm : Tutoring or work

Honestly, my plan is never followed, but its skeletal structure allows me to ensure I get all my coursework completed! Clearly, there will be a variation or even a day off where I choose a more relaxed schedule. To answer the above questions, the above is what my day looks like, but will what I experience always look like it has come off Tik Tok? Of course not!

It’s crucial to know when exactly to push through and work towards self-improvement every day, however sometimes it's more important to understand what self-care means. My breaks are truly from socialising and eating with friends at pre-planned destinations. This is why food in general is crucial to my life, as it serves as a basis for rest.

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